Friday, July 30, 2010

PODUNK, ALABAMA..Huh? urgh.. Stuff on my mind..

So.. with the latest craze about the young lady who was apparently attacked in her home Wednesday and her brother making a big splash on YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, Twitter and even VH1's Best Week ever..  I have to say.. I am really getting sick of this mess. It's bad enough that I live in the city where this mess happened but dang.. the news station are making it worse by revisiting *MY BOI* 2 days later..  Being a survivor of an attack.. it's kinda pissing me off because this is so NOT a game. I am not in anyway saying that she was not attacked by someone.. but the way it happened and the way it's being explained *_* .. * eh.. who knows* I'm not here to judge her because people are doing that enough..

What I am going to say is.. it's bad enough that Toine acted the way he did.. and all the remixes, t shirts and ringtones are coming out.. but we also have racist posting their own version of what's going on.. Now, all of a sudden we are all from PO DUNK, AL (where ever the hell that is) and we are all these country bunkins that are the butt of jokes all over the country. I honestly think this is going to do more harm in the long run than good. If she was really attacked, the attacker will be the next star.. He will be the reason behind the *HOMEBOY* craze.. 

Are they gonna remix him being arrested, if he is ever caught ... because as she says.. "she KNOWS he's in L.P"... See, Comments like that are what make people not believe her.. How would you know he was in L.P. if you have Never seen him before? How did he know to pick YOUR room as opposed to Toine's room? People are going to draw their own conclusions but I look at facts. Maybe it's because I want to be in the Criminal Justice field.. or that I'm a survivor.. I don't know.. but the FACTS ... that WE the public have been given aren't adding up to me? If it's a lie.. I'm gonna really be ticked off because the credibility of all survivors will be shot to hell... It's hard enough getting people to believe you when you were ACTUALLY attacked... but to lie just to get 15 mins. of fame.. Come on Son.. That's bogus as hell..
It will be interesting to see how this all plays out because again as Toine said.. he was Meant to be on SOMEBODY'S T.V. so what will happen next. .. *red flags everywhere*

I love my city.. even with the foolishness .. this is where I was born and raised and Really don't like all of us being judged by the idiotic comments made by these people.. I want more evidence.. I want to know the outcome of the fingerprints? Did they fingerprint any other area in the house to see if they were other places OUTSIDE of what they told us? Where is the blood or cuts from the mirror where she was tossed around as she says.. Three people rolling around in broken mirrors and NO ONE has as much as a band aid on.. REALLY?

Okay, I'm getting off subject because this is some pure bat guano but I just want you the public to know.. that Not ALL Black people from Huntsville, AL act like Toine and Kelly. We aren't Country bunkins.. We are Human just like you all.. I would bet MONEY that there are some iggnit ( yes I spelled it like that on purpose) people roaming around in your streets too.. So before you judge ALABAMA or the SOUTH and start asking stupid ass questions like where is MASSA and if we still have WHITE ONLY bathrooms.. just remember.. you got some creatures that crawl out the damn woodwork in yo city too.. This really has nothing to do with them being Black.. ( let us not forget the STRUTTIN THAT ASS video), not to me anyway.. What this IS about is having a little self respect, just a little common sense, and maybe a LONG look in the mirror.. IJS.. (I'm just saying)