Wednesday, August 4, 2010

He's just made of PURE CHAMPION STUFF...

... sigh..

This blog is being brought to you by the letters.. W, T, and F..

Am I the only one in ALABAMA or AMERICA for that matter, that doesn't find this Antoine Dodson shit funny. I'm really trying to find a reason to call him a hero.. but as stated in my previous blog.. I think this is a bunch of SUGAR FLAVORED BULLSHIT!..  Call me a hater if you want.. nothing new.. but I can stand alone against.. whoever and whatever.. But I really think this whole thing is ignorant as hell. So, Antoine was just on a radio show here in my city.. and they are talking about a song that these guys made with his autotune.. The song is kinda catchy.. I won't lie.. But so is the ALPHABET.. Youare being played and not even getting paid for THAT one..

The definition of a hero in the dictionary is ~a man distinguished by exceptional courage and nobility and strength~This dude is being called a HERO and he is trying to make money off someone trying to ATTACK his sister. I am a survivor of a Rape.. not an attempt but the real deal.. and if my brother did this shit.. I would disown his ass before he could blink his dayum eyes. How dare you try to gain profit off something so terrifying. If you were really concerned about your sister and her well being.. you would be protecting her.. and your family from the limelight not doing promotions..

I haven't heard him say ONE thing about finding this dude since the Youtube stuff came out.. He has done videos, ringtones, interviews, but not ONE update on the person who *alledgedly* tried to rape your sister. I did, HOWEVER, hear him say that he has a link on his Facebook page or one of his pages.. where you can donate MONEY to HIM.. to help move his family... To YOU? Are you Freggin Serious?.. the same person who is selling ringtones and t-shirts... You want ME.. to donate money to help move YOU and your family because you are TERRIFIED to live in that apartment now that your SISTER was attacked. I'm curious.. were you TERRIFIED when you were standing outside your apartment doing the SECOND interview about how happy you were with your new found celebrity?  You didn't appear scared at all then.. HOMEBOY.. I'm just saying.. if you are gonna lie to me.. at LEAST make me want to believe you..

How is it that you have the NERVE to ask people to help you MOVE.. but you haven't said a word about a REWARD for any information on your sister's attacker.. HERO? Really... ? I think NOT.. You are what they call an opportunist. def. One who takes advantage of any opportunity to achieve an end, often with no regard for principles or consequences. Sounds about right to me.. I know people are going to bash me for my opinion but I HONESTLY.. don't give a flying fuck.. just like he doesn't about his sister or capturing an attempted rapist.. You were so happy to tell us to Hide our kids.. and Hide the wives and husbands.. THEN.. but now you are just talking about your T shirt line.. Sorry.. can't support Bullshit.. Won't do it.. So you will just have to do without my 10 or 12 bucks or however much you are selling those shirts for.. I'll wait until someone with some sense puts out a reward for the capture of this idiot or donate it to survivors of rape... I'm more concerned with my children and that precious niece of yours you were holding on camera the 2nd time being SAFE.. than making you a reality star..

When these 15 mins are up.. you will be just another joke.. like the rest of the people the media exploited and throw away once they got tired of you.. Kinda like they did with HAMMER and VANILLA ICE... and William Hung.. remember HIM....
