Saturday, April 16, 2011

THEWedding... For REAL? I thought it was OUR wedding..

Remember a few years back, there was this story in the news about the Missing Bride from Georgia.. and they later dubbed her the RUNAWAY BRIDE  cause she had had enough of other people's BS and she hit the ground running..... Yea.. I'm starting to see why she ran.. Some of these folks around us will drive JESUS  himself to say.. "WTF? ARE YOU SERIOUS?"  Jezzz..
One of my favorite people, my twin Lena, suggested to me that I should be bloggin my feelings during the last few days of my wedding.. I think it was a good idea too because I'm learning alot of lessons that I never want to forget about this time in my life. 

Just some thangs on my mind!

1. Everyone isn't going to be happy for you...

 I'm starting to see more and more people move away from me. Talking with other married couples and listening to some of their horror stories.. I'm almost glad. This is a very special time in my life that I wanted to share with friends and family.. but I'm starting to see that alot of them aren't really happy for me.. I hate to say this.. but I think a few are  in their feelings about it. I don't understand why.. because what will really change? Teddy and I have been together forever and a Day.. It's not like our TAX BRACKET changed... Dang.. Talking to one of the Mothers at my church .. she told me that this would be another time that I would see who was REALLY on my team.. and who is out for self. My mama says people have their own agendas too..  *kayne shrug*.. I don't know.. I just can't see myself NOT being happy for those that I love.. The tides did change.. Most ran from me .. instead of to me..  It was kinda hurtful but .. one of my "friends" must have not realized that their phone didn't hang up and I heard them talking to others telling them they will be glad when this wedding is over.. so I can stop talking about it..  I didn't confront her about it.. because I just didn't see the point.. So.. I just stirred clear of them.. I'm not gonna lie and say it didn't hurt.. cause it did.. LIKE HELL.. but I can't really say that I'm surprised either.. Oh well.. 

2. People will make your day THEIR DAY if you let them.. 

I can not tell you ... how irritating it is for someone to try to FORCE their views of YOUR day.. on you.. I'm very happy that you would want Begonias in your bouquet..HOWEVER.. don't like them, they stink and I'm not gonna use them.. just because you are too evil to keep a man and have your own wedding bouquet. I know that sounds Horrible of me to say.. But Shit, this is MY day.. I have been taking care of .. and catering to other people ALL MY LIFE.. And most of these people are the ones who are constantly telling me to LIVE my life for ME.. Really? Is that Before or AFTER I do what YOU want me to do? I know most people mean well.. but what they don't realize is.. their opinions don't matter to me right now.. I don't care if you would just go to the courthouse and get married.. That's YOU.. *I* on the other hand want a nice, simple, romantic wedding where, just for once, I am the fucking focus for the day.. Sorry, your marriage didn't work out.. HOWEVER.. my man and your man are two totally different men. Please don't tell me how to keep mine when you don't even have YOURS... Ijs..  which brings me to 

Lesson 3: Take advice with a grain of salt.. 

I am very happy for any couple.. married or not.. However, what works for YOU.. isn't gonna work for US. Why? Because we are different people. We have been together longer than most of the people trying to give us advice have even KNOWN each other. We have our own system of working things out. And if it doesn't work.. we try something else.. There is no manual that says, Dionne and Teddy should follow in the footsteps of XX and YY because .. the parts that they tell us.. might not be the WHOLE damn truth. My mama says that you should watch who you get advice from and watch who prays for you.. because you don't know what part they played in the foolishness that brought on this ADVICE.. nor do you know what they are praying FOR and to who... I can not seem to understand why we seem to have become this NEEDY couple who just can't live without the suggestions and advice of those around us.. even people who don't even KNOW us..  Why are we so important NOW.. just being a couple wasn't enough.. or was it that we were living in *SIN* then so you didn't want to be a part of it..  Marriage doesn't mean that you will no longer live in sin.. it means you aren't living in sin in the eyes of OTHERS..  By that I mean, regardless of whether we are married or not.. we are still sinners.. so please... Get over yourself.. and while you are at it.. check that lipstick on ya hubby's collar.. then check and see if it MATCHES someone you KNOW? *_* ( I told ya'll what that face means)... yea I said it... 

4. FIND your PEACE..even if it comes from a PIECE of steel..

Lately, He has had more of this than me.. but .. there is SOOO much drama surrounding him.. Crazy ass friends, stupid ex wife...  people wanting to use our day to CREEP.. Let me tell ya something.. The FIRST muthaf**ka that brings me some drama on my wedding day.. will be beat TO SLEEP.. when you wake UP.. whatever it was.. won't matter anymore. I don't understand why people are using OUR day.. OUR TIME.. as a game. Folks play too much. This is my WORD, if NOONE shows up to my wedding but ME and TEDDY.. I won't be mad ... at ALL.. because on April 23, 2011 at 1:30 p.m. at the Fellowship of Faith in that good sanctuary of ours.. NOONE MATTERS.. But US!.. NOONE.. I love my family, I love my friends.. I even love my ASSISTANTS aka.. haters.. But one THAT DAY.. I won't see or hear or care about anything or anyone.. but HE & I.  If that offends anyone.. It's best that you know NOW.. so we won't have a problem THEN! If that causes you NOT to want to come... OH WELL.... TACO BELL! I don't care.. and HE could care LESS than that.. We will have PEACE.. with or without people around. That's the way IT'S SUPPOSE TO BE!

5: It's OUR LOVE.. OUR WAY.. 

PERIOD.... If you don't like the theme of the wedding, the colors of the wedding, the invitations, the members of the bridal party.. if you think you should have been a PART of the bridal party.. If you don't like half the people that are coming.. If you are mad because you weren't invited.. ( by the way.. if I didn't PERSONALLY invite you.. don't show up at my wedding.. cause I'm telling you.. IT WILL GO DOWN up in the Fellowship... My wedding party will give you the BIZNESS) just know that we ... collectively as a couple.. are sorry for any inconvenience you may be experiencing at this time... HOWEVER... if you didn't PAY.. you don't get a SAY.. feel me? And even if you DID.. It's still OUR WAY! Take it or Leave it..

I know some of this.. well all of this may seem a lil mean to some.. or hateful to some.. but you know .. I'm really getting tired of hearing about what everyone else thinks, feels or desires for OUR DAY... because the bottomline of it all.. Starting April 24th... those same people won't give a dayum about what happens next... Teddy and I will be left to deal with each other as we always have for the past 10 years.. and nothing and noone can change that but US.. 

I know this seems like I'm really unhappy right now.. but I'm not.. Not everyone or everything has gone wrong.. I have some wonderful people who have just simply BLOWN me away with their genuine kindness, love, and support.. And for that.. I am eternally grateful... and there will never be ANYTHING that you couldn't ask of us that we wouldn't gladly do for you.. 

All I've ever wanted was for people to be as Happy FOR us as we are together.. Just to stop focusing on their feelings, wants and needs and think about us for ONCE.. Whether it happens that way or not.. one thing will never change.. I'm marrying my baby... the love of my life... my friend, my backbone, and yes even my HEADACHE.. and I couldn't be happier about it.. If that's not enough for everyone else.. all I can say is ..Sorry For ya.. Cya Bye.. *kayne shrug*