Monday, April 25, 2011

Wedding Blog No.1 : Friends.. wow!


If there is ONE thing that I have learned through this wedding is that you find out who your REAL friends are.. Some people stopped speaking to me which makes me wonder...why the hell were you even there.. smh.. etc etc etc... It's all good though because this same thing happened when I went to school.. People thought because I was doing something FOR MYSELF that it meant I was trying to out do them or rub something in their face..If you knew me at ALL.. you would know trying to out do people has NEVER been my thing.. but  I guess that's how you separate the real from the fake.. I'm not mad at all .. cause I learned a LESSON.. 

But the one thing that I will NOT be as kind about is ... my dress. I have forgiven this PERSON.. and you all know who she is.. However.. I will never DEAL with this chic again. As of Friday morning.. None of my dresses, bridesmaid or MY WEDDING dress were finished..  If you claim to be a seamstress and already have a few lines of clothing.. You need to be a professional and know how to deal with pressure. Now, I'm NOT a seamstress at all.. but I even know that a wedding dress should NEVER be put over a bride's head.. but according to HER she knows what she was doing.. Yea RIGHT... 

This is what I need to work on For ME... Trusting People to do what they SAY they are going to do.. People get on to me all the time about not LETTING people do things for me.. But this is exactly why I am the way I am because they always end up BAD!.... I model for this chic for FREE.. Promoted this chic FOR FREE.. some of you wanted to buy the romper suit that I wore in the last fashion show.. I hyped up her name.. and THOUGHT I was doing someone a favor... I would have even wore MY dress (that I created) again in her shows.. But OOOOOHHH NO.. this heffa wanted to get stupid...  

In business, the customer is always right.. no matter WHAT! No excuse will make up for the service you are suppose to provide. I don't care about a sewing machine breaking.. Not my problem, I don't care about your eyes *supposedly* going bad.. (who dilates their eyes the Friday before a wedding and you haven't finished any of the dresses..) I don't care if ya man broke up with you, nothing about your HAIR.. none of that... Means NOTHING to the customer expecting the services.. Be a PROFESSIONAL... And KNOW when you CAN'T HANDLE IT!.. 

Now, I am the most Understanding person in the world.. UNTIL you piss me off. If I cry, it's best that you run. Again.. this is not some * FB pump myself up to be a gangsta type ish* this is the real deal... and my family..even my children.. had never seen me like that before.. When I tell you to leave me alone and let me cool off.. that's what I MEAN... do NOT.. come in my face ... that will get you ADMITTED... to Crestwood.. 

So, here I am Friday early afternoon .. after me and the girls have listened to a million excuses for WEEKS.. she has promised my sister that the dresses would be finished by Friday morning.. (this was Thursday night) and she came back with the same shit she left with... I have reached my limit.. My friends are trying to scrape together money to BUY me a dress the DAY before my wedding... because NOTHING IS FINISHED.. I go outside to calm myself down.. because I know ME..  And this Muthafucka is trying to sneak these UNFINISHED dresses OUT the front door FRIDAY AFTERNOON.. trying to take them back to B HAM to go to work ( which is an hour away)... and try to bring it back that same night at 1030 -1100.. that night.. ARE YOU KIDDING ME... and you have had 3 months to finish this job? 

So my sister ,who is also named DIONNE,... catches her.. I hear yelling and run BACK in the house and they are playing tug of war with my wedding dress... So when she sees me come around the corner.. she starts yelling I'm leaving.. OK FINE.. but not with those dayum DRESSES.. You are REALLY off your dayum rocker.. So, we call in a seamstress that she told me TAUGHT her how to sew( Found out that was a LIE TOO) to come fix the dresses.. SHE got mad..  My sister tells her to go outside and leave me alone before I snapped because apparently my eyes changed colors and I didn't appear to be myself... (go figure)

This broad goes outside to wait on the REAL seamstress then comes BACK in the house talking about she needed to get her stuff talking shit to me.... *BLACK OUT*... 

The first warning shot was me hitting my closet door and breaking it... That should have told you... LEAVE ME ALONE... But she kept talking shit... So...I charged her ass... Out of NOWHERE.. my Daughter Kasey and my cousin Pudden and her mama... grab me..  They tell her to take her ass outside.. but she keeps talking shit.. I walked away ... until she said.. It was my fault... she didn't do NOTHING.. (REALLLLLLLLLY BITCH).. I don't quite remember what I said after that but I saw a vacuum cleaner.. and threw that with one hand and the next was a chair...  How many times does someone have to say.. WALK AWAY before you get the picture...???

What snapped me out of it.. was my daughter crying... One because she was scared as hell.. and two because in the process of trying to kill this muthafucka in my house.. she got hit in the face... You know that broke my heart knowing that I hurt my BABY... because of this dumb ass... 

I was mad at myself for going back to the person that I use to be so many years ago.. not giving a damn about jail or anything else.. but this was my wedding dress that was the next day...  I lost it... 

The new seamstress fixed the problems.. for the most part but  she was in between doing her own struggle.. This was the first anniversary of her sister's death, alumni weekend... It was a LOT of work to do in a very short time with SOOO much going on.. .. 

It's over now and I'm thankful that things worked out the way that they did.. but I know NOW.. that my BFF was right.. Don't Trust ANYBODY... That's a shame that it has to be that way.. but one bad apple can truly spoil the bunch... I am so thankful for the TEAM of soldiers that had my back this weekend.. From my Mamas on down... to my 3 old niece..   This was truly the wedding from HELL... hahahaa.. It's funny NOW.. but please believe.. I will NEVER do it again... 

Special SPECIAL thanks to my Twin LATARA BOSTON BRUNSON .. I would have Literally been hospitalized without that chic on my team...  Birthday celebrations should be starting soon... 


☆Mz Gee☆ said...

My mouth is hanging open literally. I am so sorry such a beautiful person had to go through this. I would be crying hard but God and Him only brought you two through the nightmare. I would never know it by the pics i've seen so far that all that was going on. Don't stress anymore Dionne it's over. Many lessons were learned I'm sure. I hope she never darkens your path again. For her dam sake if nothing else.

Ebony Eyes said...

Mz. GEE... I have learned a VALUABLE LESSON in friendship this past week... It has truly been the wedding from hell... but It was the happiest day of my life... and If I had to do it all over again...

We would elope.. hahahahaa..

That One... said...

WOW...being that I know most of this minus the ending GOOD LORD from ZION...hugging your tight! love you!

Ebony Eyes said...

Yea it was VERY VERY INTERESTING to say the least.. But.. Life goes on.. and I'm happy.. in spite of.. said...

I am so sorry to hear about your dress issues. I can truly say you were the epitome of grace on your wedding day because I couldn't tell that you were frazzled, upset or bothered in the least bit. If I had known, I would've been there to offer solace and help. But you looked beautiful and that's because what you carry on the inside shines through so bright, nothing casts a shadow on your glow. ~Hugs.

Ebony Eyes said...

Lena.. Thank you so much.. I really appreciate it..

Anonymous said...

I hope that your people have made it a point to out this trifling person who pulled this mess. She deserves it.

Raberta W.