Friday, August 12, 2011

Blessed to be A Blessing..

On my way home from practice I noticed an elderly man walking with bags..  It caught my attention because he bent over and sat them down and grabbed his back. I drove past him but quickly got in the turn lane ..  Now I know that people are crazy these days and you can't trust everyone.. But we will never get back to being known as the SWEET LOVING TOWN that we all loved growing up..  Trusting in GOD, I went back to pick up this very nice gentlemen who was walking WITH bags from WALMART to the neighborhood Mastin Lake School..  We may think that's nothing but after going through what I have this week with heat and heart troubles.. there was NO WAY I was letting that man walk another step..

I asked him if I could give him a ride and he QUICKLY smiled and said YES.. He got in the car slow.. Tired and very hot.. and he said I was his ANGEL for the DAY.. I said I'm no angel I was just raised right.. I said my father would not be pleased if I had let him walk.. it was TOO hot.. And he replied with.. I have to DO what I have to do.. My wife is bedridden and I don't drive.. *my heart instantly broke*  I remember what that was like taking care of my father.. It's not their fault that they are sick.. but those that step in to take care of them.. need a break sometimes.. The further we drove the more I realized how LONG it would have taken him to get home.. I wondered how long he had been out in the sun.. *heart breaking again* ... 

I told him that I would help him if he needed it.. because that's just what we are suppose to do.. You step in.. when their is work to be done.. I've been blessed.. so I have to Pay it FORWARD.. I won't say what I saw when I pulled up to the house .. but I will say ...that.. sometimes.. People are put in your life for a reason.  I gave him my number and told him to call anytime.. and when he calls.. I'm going to GO..  why? Because one day.. that could be ME..  it has been me.. and I would want someone to take just a moment of their time to DO THE RIGHT THING..

You don't have to do what I did.. But just take a second and put yourself in someone else's shoes.. There are people in the nursing homes that don't get ANY visitors at all.. Go sit and talk to some of them.. Learn some of their HUNTSVILLE HISTORY.. Go to the Hospitals and volunteer.. To the Veteran's Home.. Don't just talk about it.. make it a way of LIFE.. You may think it's nothing .. but to someone else.. It could change their entire DAY..

I thank God for putting me in that place and that time.. It made me see just how BLESSED I am to have a car.. a home.. it makes me appreciate the people around me.. and to be THANKFUL for what I do have.. and stop worrying about what I DON'T have..

You all are a blessing to me..whether you know it or not.. and I had to PAY IT FORWARD.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know this is an old post...but a much needed post. For as U know, I can some relate dealing with My Mom. Yeah I am tired and doing A LOT for us both...but just doing what I.feel is RIGHT!!!! And we do need to help others for what we feel is something small, can make their world. Thanks for sharing Dionne!!!!