Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 10: you ARE the weakest link... GOODBYE

Day 10 — Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.

I can't say that there is someone in my life that I need to let go of because everyone is pretty much gone.. But after being on my homie OhMG's page today, something he said reminded me of how THANKFUL I am for the DELETE button on FB.

There was this chic from Tenn.. Boy, was she stuck on herself. Everything out her mouth was.. I'm the Baddest chic ever to walk the Earth..  Men ain't ish.. they are all dogs blah blah blah.. Well first of all, let me just say.. Not ALL men are dogs. I know some great ones.. but like any creature, if you treat them bad over and over..  they can be trained to that behavior and even turn on you.. feel me.. *_*.. But the one thing I never understood about her was.. She was always talking about how men treated her like this or that.. always after her for her body (which wasn't a good one btw) ... YET... she was always sticking her Tatas in their face.. You are walking around half naked in front of your children, bringing in all these different men around your daughter... taking pictures with her while you have your legs cocked open on tables and ish like you are on HOTGHETTOMESS.com or something.. but then get mad when someone calls her out ya name.. 

It takes me back to that Dave Chappell saying.." I'm not saying you are a HOE.. but you ARE wearing a Hoe's uniform.. and the ish is f'n confusing."   Now, I will never condone disrespecting a woman.. but if you don't have a LIL respect for yourself.. how do you expect anyone else to...

So back to why I could have lived without knowing her ol' messy a**.. One thing that urks the hell outta me about FB ..* and I'm just gonna say it.. It's my blog.. I can do that." But the one thing I hate about fb is THE  MESSY A** FEMALES.. and these lame  "I really want to be your friend because you seem so interesting" invites they send.. For those of you that haven't figured out this game yet.. that's HOE CODE for.. "I think the man I'm diggin.. is diggin YOU.. so I'm gonna get on your page so I can see what he is saying to you, talk to you in hopes that you will tell me what's really going on between you two because I'm just that slick".. *_*.. ( that face typically means.. BISHHHH PLEASE)

So anyway, I had a feeling.. the day she sent me that invite that it might be some foolishness.. I'm from ALABAMA .. I am use to the smell of Bullshyt..feel me. But because I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and I simply like acting silly with people.. I accepted her in my FB world.. It was cool for a while..I'm thinking Maybe I was wrong about this chic.. until she started to show her true colors. So, I being the NUTCASE that I am.. It ain't no use in going to everybody else if I have a problem or a feeling about You.. I go to the SOURCE (in this case.. HER).  This is where she messed herself up.. I came to her and said.. I need to ask you something .. because I think there is some type of misunderstanding here..  So, I told her what I was thinking.. and she IMMEDIATELY.. got stupid and I mean she went from Hi.. to *BOMQUIESHA* in like 3.5 secs... Now she was all to happy to talk about everything under the sun on my page.. but one on one.. she couldn't handle it..  Either way.. I laughed at her.. and him.. because you know it was over a DUDE that she thought I wanted..  *_*... ( what I tell you that face meant)

I am of the same thinking as ROYCE from Basketball Wives.. "Until you can kick yo leg up to your ear.. You can't say ish to me" and YES I really can.. Don't let the jiggle fool ya.. hahaa In other words.. Boo Boo.. Get on my LEVEL .. With all my flaws.. I'm still a BAD chic..  But this is not a tata contest.. It's not even about him.. cause I didn't want HIM .. it was the other way around.. If you have a problem.. take it to your man.. NOT the chic.. cause bringing it here.. might get a lil more than your feelings hurt.. I ain't exactly.. right in the head.. ( I have come to terms with it though..) The problem was.. you weren't a woman about it.. If you had just COME to me with what you were thinking.. I would have pointed out the ones that were in competition with you.. I got MINE..

But anyway... Before all of this.. she sent me her number because she wanted to pray for my dad.He was in ICU at the time and we didn't think he would make it.. So she is texting me.. " Sis I Love you and I put you on my prayer list at church.. batguano " *sigh*.....

Now why on EARTH do people say ish like that.. You put me and my father on the prayer list ( if you even really did it) to be prayed for.. but you think I'm trying to go behind your back to take a man that belongs to someone else.. *_~.. This is the ( are you smoking ALL the crack?) Look...
My mama always tells me to be careful of who prays for you .. because you don't know what they are praying for or who they are praying TOO.. Plus.. some folks prayer bounce like checks... so they don't make it to his ears anyway..

Back to the blog.. I could have done without knowing her because even though I learned that me and most women from this certain area really don't get along.. it was redundant.. because I already KNEW I didn't like chics from there.. I did learn the levels in which a person will go to just to HAVE A MAN in their life and to get poked in the car in their driveway.. CLASSY! *_~.. 

Don't get me wrong.. I am in NO WAY an angel.. I have done some things just the other day that I was thinking... *NOW YOU KNOW.. you ain't got NO business doing this"  but still did it anyway..  So don't think that shop at Goody2Shoes..  But I have other stuff to do than to hover over at some chic's FB page because I think she may be the love interest of someone I want * because how could he NOT want JUST me*.. Hell if he was really after me.. I would have ( if I wanted HIM) still been 2nd.. because he had a woman.. Dumb Ass.. WHo strives to be 3rd place..? Her war was with the wrong person.. because she was in no way in danger of me trying to get him.. NO MAAM.. But just because she tried to play me stupid.. when she just could have ASKED.. and she tried to use my dad's illness as a way to work her way into my private life.. was enough for me to want to put her freggin head through a meat grinder..


Yea.. I could have done without knowing that chic.. for REAL!


LaTara A said...

Yes, My Dear, you are a Twin. Bad news is we don't deal well with BS...good news is that we know this and know how to remove it from our life. i.e. "Delete", whether it be FB, contacts on our Cell phone, email, etc. No need to discuss it to have closure. "It is what it is"

Ebony Eyes said...

Seeee.. that makes so much sense. Get GONE.. withcha dusty butt.. Oh she got on my nerves.. I love being your twin.. hehehe

Ebony Krystal said...

You have grown so much in the last 3 years..I do remember a time when you would all out mind phuck one such as her. Although it is a fun thing to do at times it cost too much energy. I must be getting older or something because now I think like this. I might need that energy to fight for my life and if I wasted it on some dumb shyt..I'm thinking like life is like a battery we only got so much energy to use, so I'm in save mode these days I don't want my energy (battery) to go dead when I need it most..I ain't the Energize Bunny so Imma save some. I know how to hit that delete key quick..poof they are gone energy saved.

Ebony Eyes said...

Well I got rid of HER & HIM.. I have had TOO much drama where he was concerned... all these Thirsty females coming out the damn woodwork.. with foolishness and it was all directed at me.. Naa.. Mindphuckin was fun but at some point you just gotta say GET SOMEWHERE! ... I totally agree with you Mama.. ENERGY SAVED!

That One... said...

sometimes we have to deal with certain situations so when they arise again we can dismiss them without even having to go through all the mess...ijs

Ebony Eyes said...

You are right about that.. I knew there was no real reason for him to be a part of my life anymore.. so one day I just said... FU*K it.. GOOD BYE! and I have to say that I have tbeen a lot happier since doing it..