Friday, March 11, 2011

DAY 5.. one day I wanna...

Day 05 — Something you hope to do in your life.

So, I've been slacking on my 30 days of Truth..Not that anyone is reading it anyway.. but Here's DAY 5..
What's something I hope to do in my life..
That's a pretty odd one. There are several things I hope to do in my life. But I guess the best I can say at this very moment.. is to work with children. I don't know what it is about babies.. But I simply love taking care of them. I can't walk by a pretty baby without wanting to hold them and take care of them .. I have often been told that I should start a daycare center.. because I'm actually good with kids. They respond to me and I can understand them.  Sometimes when we become adults we forget what it's like to watch a bubble float through the air and wonder.. where is it trying to go.. and how long can I follow it? We get to a point where we don't want anyone asking us questions yet we tell the babies.. if you don't ask you will never know..
I can connect with kids and they GET me. They don't want anything other than a lil attention.. They don't require a lot.. They live the simple life and no matter how other's may say find reasons for why it's so easy for them.. they all secretly wish that they could be a kid again.. to remember what it felt like to have a fight and two seconds later chase butterflies together.. or to have dance contest.. or to play hopscotch..
how many of you would gladly leave work right now to go play outside if you could...?? * raised eyebrow*.. don't lie... :)


Superflirt said...

Im reading sister!!!! Follow ur dream!! Follow ur heart. I think you would me great

Ebony Eyes said...

Well thank you for reading my craziness sista.. hehehe

That One... said...

Reading is fundamental and of COURSE i follow! even when it brings tears to my eyes i read!

Uh why not get licensed to have a day care in the house? just a thought? why not go work at a school? follow your dreams!

Ebony Eyes said...

You really ARE reading this stuff huh? Well... I don't know why I don't do it.. scared I guess.. who knows.. Don't punch me.. I know.. get up get out and get something... !