Wednesday, March 16, 2011

PSA: DON'T A.S.S.U.M.E ~ U know me.. but you don't KNOW me.. k?

 "A.S.S.U.M.E When you ASSUME you make an ASS out of U and not ME"

So, everyone connected to me should know a lil bit about me by now.. understands that I'm gonna give it to you 100 period.. it could hurt me.. it could hurt you.. of course that is never my intention unless specified..:) With that being said.. I have been in the virtual world long enough to understand that if you post anything on any social network it is up scrutiny. Depending on how the reader is feeling that day, feeling about you, or whatever... what you write can be taken out of context.. and you have to be prepared for it.. good and bad..

I learned that the hard way with someone I THOUGHT was a friend reposting a private im conversation about me being attacked on a website just so that they could prove some crazy point. That was a really big lesson for me and I learned from it..

With that being said.. I'm not suprised at all with the comments and messages I've been getting lately.. but I have to say today.. was comical..  So..  because I say GOD FORGIVE ME.. a few people felt that they were close enough to me.. to send me messages like..  what you do? ... or to send me their OPINION about what they THOUGHT I did..

*_*...  Ok.. first.. I said GOD forgive me.. Not FB... If I am saying ALOUD that I have done things in my lifetime that I need to be forgiven for.. what in that says that I am obligated to tell YOU.. Like IMMEDIATELY I got.. Whatchu doing ? What you DO?  *_*


It's kinda like how people post a stat that says.. "You get on my dayum nerves".. People *INSTANTLY* ASSUME that it is directed toward them. If your name wasn't called.. why are you getting upset? Maybe it's because you have a done something or said something that you thought you got away with.. I don't know.. But as my boy Brod says.. until your name is called.. STFU..

Back to my statement.. I called a name.. Definitely.. and I don't think ANYONE on my list is named GOD.. therefore.. you shouldn't feel OBLIGATED to know what I am asking for forgiveness FOR? Only One person (Jt) was bold enough to ask me openly.. but here's the difference with him and the others.. I talk to Jt all the time. We are friends beyond facebook.. So he like another friend since high school have more access to my personal life.. my friends, my family, my kids.. if you don't know what my middle name is.. or even CLOSE to how to say it.. or if you weren't there with me.. when things got really hard.. Stop bogartin'.. keep it movin...

Now, the next thing that I need to address so that we are CLEAR.. My blog about the person that makes my life worth living.. my BFF Carlos.. was not a confession. *pure Comedy* He is not my *OTHER* man.. he is my BFF.. Truth be told he was here long before MY SOON TO BE HUSBAND*.. and they are great friends. There is no hidden adgenda between us.. there is nothing going on between us.. A Man and a WOman can be friends without there being some SIDEWAYS shit going on.. Stop WISHING for drama.. if that's what you are in my space for... Keep it moving.. but GROW THE HELL UP while you at it..

This seems to be a growing problem with the social networking sites.. People *always* want to  HOPE for the worst.. and it's the craziest thing EVER.. How about wish for the good stuff.. and if it turns out to be bad.. be SUPPORTIVE..
                              HURT PEOPLE *HURT* PEOPLE..
If you have nothing but hateraid, jealously, envy and foolishness running through your DNA.. do EVERYONE a favor and just go away. Why are you even SOCIAL? Like, know your own self.. I know when I am feeling evil.. it's best that I just get away from people.. Maybe that's what you should do.. cause someone may not be AS nice as I was ... You might get a knock on ya door..

Bottomline.. get to KNOW yourself.. and know what your role in a person's life is.. Don't overstep.. Stay in ya Lane.. I don't even know what else to say but.. stop thinking you are ALLOWED to know every detail of a person's life just because you are on their friends' list.. Truth be told.. you are only there because they were friends with someone they BARELY knew and yo ass snuck in the back door.. So don't get it in your head that you are OWED anything because you are FACEBOOK FRIENDS...

Don't say I didn't warn ya, playa..


Ebony Krystal said...

Oh lawd someone wants to know the flavor of the kool-aid, huh...Shyt tell 'em it's purple and then have 'em drink it.

Ebony Eyes said...

Mama.. I simply don't understand people sometimes.. Why on Earth does everything have to be BAD because they don't know what you are talking about.. or because they aren't in the loop.. I don't think ANYONE is suppose to be in my relationship with GOD.. just know I have one..

Superflirt said...

Welll Damn!!!! You told them sis.... And if that didnt work they come see me !!!!!!!!!!*drops mic and walks off stage

Ebony Eyes said...

I wasn't trying to be mean Sista.. but MAN these people can really get on your nerves with this foolishness.. They can come up with ANYTHING these days..

Taunya Smith said...

Well Said.. I can't say AMEN loud enough! When I divorced and moved home people who barely really knew me and who were not even in my life were all in my business.... Some of them haven't even turned out to be real friends. I am not even sure they really give a damn about me. Do they check on me? NO Do I get a Hey Taunya how are you? NO! Its a shame. If I don't contact them I don't hear from them. But while I was divorcing and leaving NC they were calling, texting, and so concerned. Now where are they? Who the hell knows.......